In a year of challenging economic struggles across the United States, with many metropolitan real estate markets tanking in the early months of 2020, the combination of record-low interest rates and increasing demand continue to make it a seller’s market. The national...
Decades Of Experience Working For You
Month: December 2020
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Quiet Title Actions
Acquiring property is often a major milestone in a person’s life. However, this celebratory moment can quickly become stressful if other people begin making claims to the same property. Is what you worked so hard to purchase not really yours? Of course, during any...
Phoenix and the broad power of eminent domain
In 2006, the city of Phoenix put up a concrete barrier between the light rail tracks and one John Garretson’s property, which blocked two driveways leading from the street to Garretson’s property. Garretson sought damages for his loss of access to the street, though...